Version of December 6, 2012
by Prof. Steve
This program is designed to calculate the cooling by H₃⁺ in an atmosphere consisting primarily of molecular hydrogen, H₂.
It first calculates the populations of H₃⁺ vibrational levels, using Dinelli et al A(if)s (1992), J. Mol. Spectrosc., 153, 718-725, and the theory of Oka and Epp, (2004), Astrophys J., 613, 349-354
This calculation is driven by a user defined set of H₂ densities and temperatures, that are supplied as part of the inputs on stream 5.
The program then calculates the H₃⁺ cooling making use of the parameterised cooling curve of Miller, Stallard, Tennyson and Melin, Cooling by H₃⁺ Emission, submitted to Journal of Physical Chemistry (2012).
It is designed to be web-available on demand as part of the Europlanet RI JRA3 project. Europlanet should be credited for use.