WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.29D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10307 DEPTH = 135 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.84D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10156 DEPTH = 138 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.84D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10156 DEPTH = 138 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.84D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10156 DEPTH = 138 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.84D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10156 DEPTH = 138 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.84D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10156 DEPTH = 138 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.31D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10401 DEPTH = 141 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.96D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10030 DEPTH = 145 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.71D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10277 DEPTH = 146 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.27D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11096 DEPTH = 147 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.27D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11096 DEPTH = 147 T = 1.00D+08 yr