WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.47D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 13007 DEPTH = 124 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.47D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 13007 DEPTH = 124 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.66D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10635 DEPTH = 124 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.37D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 13172 DEPTH = 128 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.37D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 13172 DEPTH = 128 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.03D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11003 DEPTH = 128 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.21D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10804 DEPTH = 128 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.03D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11003 DEPTH = 128 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.00D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 12298 DEPTH = 132 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.00D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 12298 DEPTH = 132 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.16D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10950 DEPTH = 133 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.16D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10950 DEPTH = 133 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.77D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10780 DEPTH = 133 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.37D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10620 DEPTH = 135 T = 1.00D+08 yr