WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.76D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11314 DEPTH = 112 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.76D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11314 DEPTH = 112 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.93D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10033 DEPTH = 114 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.93D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10033 DEPTH = 114 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.86D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11210 DEPTH = 116 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.86D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11210 DEPTH = 116 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.37D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10436 DEPTH = 119 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.37D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10436 DEPTH = 119 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.44D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10403 DEPTH = 119 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.14D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11068 DEPTH = 120 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.14D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11068 DEPTH = 120 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.87D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11512 DEPTH = 121 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.87D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11512 DEPTH = 121 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.30D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10456 DEPTH = 121 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.16D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10541 DEPTH = 121 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.16D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10541 DEPTH = 121 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.92D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10058 DEPTH = 121 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.78D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10160 DEPTH = 122 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.98D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11205 DEPTH = 123 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.98D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11205 DEPTH = 123 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.32D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10372 DEPTH = 123 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.93D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10053 DEPTH = 124 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.70D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11480 DEPTH = 125 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.70D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11480 DEPTH = 125 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.78D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10709 DEPTH = 127 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.84D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10147 DEPTH = 130 T = 1.00D+08 yr