WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 2.52D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 13530 DEPTH = 88 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.67D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11637 DEPTH = 171 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.27D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10473 DEPTH = 175 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.15D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10928 DEPTH = 175 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.34D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10631 DEPTH = 177 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.98D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 12290 DEPTH = 178 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.46D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10510 DEPTH = 180 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.53D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 12891 DEPTH = 182 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.53D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 12891 DEPTH = 182 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.42D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10357 DEPTH = 185 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.11D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10875 DEPTH = 187 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.11D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10875 DEPTH = 187 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.84D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10104 DEPTH = 188 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.87D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10075 DEPTH = 196 T = 1.00D+08 yr