WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 3.60D+02 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 30000 T = 7.94D+02 yr MXSTEP increased to 40000 and continuing the integration... WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 70000 T = 1.97D+03 yr MXSTEP increased to 80000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS =133393 DEPTH = 250 T = 1.00D+05 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.38D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10624 DEPTH = 163 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.32D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 13166 DEPTH = 164 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.32D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 13166 DEPTH = 164 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.55D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10448 DEPTH = 166 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.45D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10556 DEPTH = 167 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.45D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10556 DEPTH = 167 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.58D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10407 DEPTH = 169 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.58D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10407 DEPTH = 169 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 8.60D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11467 DEPTH = 169 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.58D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10407 DEPTH = 169 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.58D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10273 DEPTH = 169 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.58D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10407 DEPTH = 169 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.65D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 12644 DEPTH = 170 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.65D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 12644 DEPTH = 170 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.30D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10689 DEPTH = 171 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.84D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10151 DEPTH = 171 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.84D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10151 DEPTH = 171 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.78D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11554 DEPTH = 172 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 7.78D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 11554 DEPTH = 172 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.78D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10208 DEPTH = 174 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.07D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10871 DEPTH = 179 T = 1.00D+08 yr WARNING! Maximum number of steps exceeded: # STEPS = 10000 T = 9.07D+07 yr MXSTEP increased to 20000 and continuing the integration... Call to LSODE successful: # STEPS = 10871 DEPTH = 179 T = 1.00D+08 yr